What is Laser Treatment for Acne?

LHE Acne Phototherapy

  • Effective: Most people experience great success in acne clearance.

  • Fast: Less then 1/3 the time of traditional treatments significantly reduces patient risk of scarring.

  • Safe: No harmful side effects.

How does LHE acne phototherapy work?

In treating acne, time is crucial. This technology is fast-acting, providing a complete treatment within 30 days. Based on clinical studies, LHE has been shown to clear acne lesions up to 90% after a 4-week treatment course.

During laser treatment for acne, light is drawn to the melanin in the hair, raising the temperature of the hair follicle. LHE clears acne safely and effectively with a series of concentrated pulses of light and heat. The green wavelength light penetrates deep into the skin to cause an increase in porphyrins, resulting in the destruction of P .acnes.

The red wavelength produces anti-inflammatory results. The addition of heat, unique to LHE, increases the effectiveness by opening the skin pores and promoting a faster chemical reaction.

About LHE Light and Heat Technology

  • Effective: Most people experience great success in acne clearance.

  • Fast: Less then 1/3 the time of traditional treatments significantly reduces patient risk of scarring.

  • Safe: No harmful side effects.

How does LHE acne phototherapy work?

In treating acne, time is crucial. This technology is fast-acting, providing a complete treatment within 30 days. Based on clinical studies, LHE has been shown to clear acne lesions up to 90% after a 4-week treatment course.

During laser treatment for acne, light is drawn to the melanin in the hair, raising the temperature of the hair follicle. LHE clears acne safely and effectively with a series of concentrated pulses of light and heat. The green wavelength light penetrates deep into the skin to cause an increase in porphyrins, resulting in the destruction of P .acnes.

The red wavelength produces anti-inflammatory results. The addition of heat, unique to LHE, increases the effectiveness by opening the skin pores and promoting a faster chemical reaction.